hey readers, sorry for the late update, yes i know, i ain't that punctual after all, but still.. i have to prioritize my studies first.:)
Thank you for being open minded and supporting my ideas in the previous post. i believe that its important for us to understand every single piece of mind in an association eventhough they are groups of minorities, which implies on the utilitarian principle, the greater good, for the greater number of people.
well readers, as promised, today i will be bringing more issues of PERMAI itself, for i would like the readers to understand me in the whole and not half way.
on to the issues:
What do i mean by work forces? i mean the backbone of each programme, the group of people that makes the programmes happen or should i just say "AJK PELAKSANA" @ organising committee.

PERMAI is an association run by the students in Irbid itself, using different thinkings and critical knowledge from various minds, i find the concept rather fascinating. i believe that the tradition carried on had been really really really feasible.
the problem arises is that when people tend to compare and put a certain yard stick on to the previous programmes held. how? i will show you an example.
i guess, its the human nature to be competing in order to prove to the eyes of the viewers who is the best in handling stuff. in every meeting we have a "laporan muhasabah". this mechanism is great to ensure that the flaws done by the previous workforce is solved and not repeated. however, things like
"kalau last year ada, takkan la taun nie tak ade"
just makes the system seem flawed.
i give you an example, in this one particular programme which i would not like to state specifically,
the organising committee insisted in having a pantomime play for the occasion, where the bureau incharge had specifically explain that it seems rather impossible with the time constraint and the lack of work force. at first they agreed, and 24 hours before the actual occasion, he was strictly told that he should organise the play by hook or by crook. i pitied the person incharge, he did not sleep that night trying to find "actors" for the play so that the orders could be executed. but offcourse, it was quite impossible in such a short notice. imagine a play in less than 24 hours it would take a miracle to make it happen.
i dont mean to attack , but if you would just look into the issue. doesnt that seem unfair. and when asked about the rationality of the demanded play, it was merely because they had it last year. so this year they must have it too.

picture has nothing to do with the title
you see, we are afraid to think out of the box, afraid to take the risks, although they were well informed that the empty slots of the programme would be replaced with some other "easier" performances, they still had to put the yard stick and guidelines on the programme held in the previous years.
so the conclusion swings by again on the basis of prioritizing, they should prioritize on the direction of the programme rather than the petty things that fulfill the elements.
Where a society of different ages are present , this issue must come shadowing behind. i could see that there are some of the seniors who expressed their thoughts publicy, and there are juniors who did the same thing . this side does not agree by the actions by the other side and vice versa.
as seen on their facebook status:
by the seniors,
"junior zaman skarang dah tak pandai angkat tangan."
"penat aku tegur, senyum pon tak bagi"
"aku tak puas hati betul la dengan batch kau ni, aku cungkil mata dia karang"
by the juniors,
"rasa macam dekat skolah menengah plak ade seniority"
"aku budak u lah, bukan budak skolah, sila respect sikit"
"bajet gile , orang angkat tangan tak tegur"
MISUNDERSTANDING. the word that explains all.. you see, when things like this happen, all we have to do is smile, take a deep breathe and be optimistic.
the juniors should know how to respect the seniors and the seniors should know how to do like wise.
i still dont get it, why should the juniors be the first one to greet a senior, when the senior is fully capable of doing so too.
soo no matter whether you are a junior or even a senior, just greet the person you see without comparing the differences in seniority. im sure that most seniors have had a bad experience atleast once when they were a junior, so if you dont like it, why do it again right?

the seniors came visiting to the mindef's house for eid 2010, see we dont have problems.:)
on behalf off the seniors, i would like to say sorry to the juniors if we mistreated you, and on behalf of the juniors, i would like to say sorry to the seniors if we have not showed the respect you ought to have.


i was sitting down together with 2 of my good friend here in Jordan. than the issue came by,
one of them asked,"macam mane nak memartabatkan bahasa arab dan bahasa inggeris dalam kalangan masyarakat PERMAI?"
we sat there thinking about the question on and on and on.
"aku rasa bahasa arab ni ok dah, pasalnye pmk ade organize kelas bahasa arab ammi, sape pegi oklah", he said again.
suddenly the words of a legendary senior in Arabic came in my mind,
"ilmu ni kalau kita nak , kita cari, insyallah kita dapat"
i smiled when the words popped in my mind..
you see friends, PMK Permai had already organized classes for the Arabic language, in making sure the participants get the best from the seniors.

sadly enough, when ever the programme is held, only the juniors are present. i wonder..
(and i'd like to emphasize on my own batch, bukan la niat nak kata batch kita tak hebat, but still... its still along way to go.., and by saying this I still don't leave behind any other batch, for i believe there is always room for improvement.)
honestly I don't know what else to say... however , I don't put the burden fully on the seniors, perhaps PMK should advertise the programme to everyone.. not just the juniors. wallahualam.
"ok , bahasa arab dah settle, macam mane plak dengan bahasa inggeris?" he asked again.
"nak buat kelas bahasa inggeris jugak ke?" answered another friend in question form.
i guess making classes for English is totally impractical. you see, even the Arabic language class is not attended by the society, what difference does it make if you organize an English class?
some say that:
"aku datang jordan nak blaja bahasa arab, bukan bi."
"bi dah blaja dari dulu lagi, blaja arab la plak"
"alaa aku bidang agama, bi bukan penting pon, aku bagi ayat bahasa arab baru hot"
I don't oppose yet do i agree.. you must understand , although Arabic language is one of the demanded language for your course, it still does not neglect the importance of English itself.
see all the great scholars of Islam, not only are they masters in Arabic but also the saints of English...

believe me , there is nothing to lose. you have the Islamic knowledge, you have the ability to give advice and debate on Islamic basis, you have the Arabic language, what's wrong by enhancing it with your fluency in English?
my suggestion is, to increase the usage of English in the programmes organised by PERMAI. you see, we all have the vocabulary and grammar buried deep inside. we just need a little kick start to brush the old rusty steel. imagine if all the directors of programmes deliver their speech in English.. would that indirectly create an English speaking environment throughout the programme?
what? your not good? than lets all learn together. I too am not perfect.:)
This topic i guess should be emphasized too..
what does fusion mean? to merge different elements to unite.
yes... as easy as my phrase is "islamic fussion"
i know that on and on , people having been talking about this issue. but yet, i still see it absent in the community.
living in Irbid, we are given the chance to meet people from different walks of life and different fields of studies. we have the religious based schools, we have the sciences based school, we even have the military based schools. all these people from various walks of life either pursue religion, medicine, dentistry, physics or even economics.

i ask you, where would you find such a place with such diversity? Egypt? my winter trip there last year have totally proven that even students in egypt dont use this opportunities.
yes we have classes, we have usrah , we have tahfiz. but what about the personal exchange of knowledge?

Yarmouk & JUST.
i find it special here to have close friends from yarmouk like amir siddiq and iz'aan. they have totally taught me a lot in the fields of religious views. i in the other hand share my experience studying in an international school to open up our minds to a wider scope. looking at things not just from the religious way, but also the modern secular way.
i believe that if this exchange of views and knowledge is done correctly we could be more than just a doctor or ustaz or economist. we would be a person full with knowledge.
imagine a doctor who could explain the asbabul nuzul of the ayyahs in the holy quran, economist able to explain the causes of dental carries, ustaz able to handle medical emergency cases in times of emergencies. wouldnt the world be a better place?

think about it. take this opportunity, handle it well find a suitable friend to share our knowledge and let the brain storming begin.:)

Well.. perhaps brotherhood would only apply to the boys and put the girls aside, so lets quote it as integration.
i still remember when i was here in my 1st semester of my 1st year. i hated it. i hated everyone, i hated the society, i hated the silly arabs , i hated EVERYTHING. i know it was too early to judge, but when the heart repels, the body just follows through.
that was all before i got to know the people around me, i got to know the place i got to understand the environment. honestly, the people around me makes me realize that, i dont mind to be stranded on a deserted island, as long as the people around me are like all of you.:)

i believe the integration, the love and care from each member to one another is absolutely important. the support we get, the trust we receive is what makes a society so special.
you see, being a senior, i think we do have our obligations to fulfil . i still remember when i was strolling around "balad" , i wanted to buy a set of curtain ready made, but seriously i have no idea what its called in arabic.
i wanted to seek help, i dont know whom to ask. luckily i was close with senior imran. lastly i just made a call to ask him, what the word is in arabic.

abang imran, yes he helps us alot.
i felt really ashamed, i mean, how stupid i was not even knowing a simple word.
but.. when the juniors were here, i too had received calls from juniors,whether to ask what a word is in arabic or even to ask mere directions. suddenly, i felt obliged to help.
i believe this is what PERMAI has been trying to achieve. the integration and brotherhood amongst its people. everyone should help anyone, if he/she is in need. usually, a junior would only feel comfortable to ask those he/she is close to ie: their mentors.
so my suggestion is that the mentors should not only be there for the SPB, but to guide the juniors when ever they need help. whether it is before or after SPB. with the increase in the PERMAI members, i believe this system is a much friendlier approach. dont just be a mentor for the sake of being a mentor and finishing up the checklist handed out by the SPB committee, but be a mentor, who could always be depended on by the juniors. i know my last mentor , was the greatest one could ever ask for.

beloved housemate with best mentor, leeduan arrukes. :)
maintain this environment, the care for our friends and colleagues for we are one society, one community and offcourse, ONE FAMILY..
this integration between the society is what made me hang on for a while, and made me want to stay till this very moment.
some may still find it hard to accept the laws by PERMAI, well i say:
"learn to understand , learn to love"

for some who still thinks my opinions are ridiculously wrong, im sorry . but i guess, there is always room for improvement . PERMAI is great, but lets make it the best.:)
~a mere lad under PERMAI, Op Ulya Aqamah Bin Husamudin~
gila lah,
fuyoh. gambar aku ke tuh?
gambar aku ke?
gila laaa. masuk belog ni bai.
ok itu saje.
aku komen dulu baru baca. kehkehkeh.
woi kutuk aku di mesir!!!
panjang gila nasib baik aku rajin
aku suka sifat tolong-menolong
kalau kau nak ditolong kau harus menolong
mudah tetapi ramai yang tak faham dan implemenkan dalam hidup mereka
like ur writing style la. easy to read but meaningful. looking forward to ur future posts :D
peh,gambar manja aku dengan kent.
tiada privasi!
tiada lain yang boleh dikomeng selain HOYEH
wow..my fwen(*_*)
trangkat kening.
kita sembang blakang.
very nicely written ulya.
perhaps we're too scared of changing, that's why "kalau last year ada, takkan la taun nie tak ade", or too lazy to come up with something new.
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