tiba-tiba hari ni facebook gegar dek issue malaysia nak ajar sex education dekat skolah rendah mulai tahun 2011.
pergh macam-macam reaksi gua tgk ade.
ade yang marah , ada yang suka , ada yang rasa menyesal abes skolah awal (?)
tapi issue ni lama dah berkumandang dekat parlimen tuh. dulu gua ingat time debate english kat skolah-skolah pon ada issue ni dibangkitkan.
hah ni antara beberapa issue yang gua ketengahkan sewaktu berdebatan tuh, tapi sorry lah dalam BI, sebab dulu gua debater, bukan pedebat. hek!
you see.. this issue has been debated for such a long time. from the parliamentary debates to even mere school debates.. the issue of whether to not teach sex education like many other issues have its own pros and cons.
the effect of teaching sex education in schools is actually a mechanisme to create awareness of the proper way and conduct of sex acts, logically, having a formal teaching regarding this issue, would reduce its consequences in the future.. for example. teenagers who plan to "have sex" would at least do it in the safer way, reducing the numbers of neglected babies, STD's and ofcourse lesser sex offenders.
well thats what they see. thats wat the government sees. and thats what america having been seeing from their perspectives.
what the government fails to distinguish is the difference of societal custom, views and offcourse impact.. this issue could be uphold in the US, for their societal environment is different. if you see someone kissing by the road side its just another horny immature teen messing around, but in malaysia, its a federal and religious offence to "make out" in the public.
its all about perspectives. you are in a nation where the majority of citizens are muslims. face the fact.. you are actually making a very huge mistake by neglecting the peoples custom and believes.
if so you need it desperately, try teaching at an age where these people are more mature in the sense of understanding and competency. but then again, whats the purpose of having the "islamic religion" , "moral education" and civics? does it not serve the same cause?
the minds of elementary students are just too vulnerable, its not ok to feed them with such issue at such a young age. thats why they have movie and internet censorship for minors.
i rest my case.
paham? tak paham buka kamus, tak pon call chegu english korang, pn norlida ke, maam huda ke. chegu suruh blajar taknak. hahahaha.. (sumpah kerek)

(gua bukan ape takut jadi lagi ramai budak-budak klcc macam ni)

(benda-benda nie dah jadi norma dalam kehidupan masyarakat barat, kita nak benarkan ke?)
dah dah . gua nak sambung study. esok gua ada exam. doakan!
ps: gua ada tulis komen sebijik macam nie kat status kawan gua . haha.malas nak taip balik. kopi lekat lah jawabnye.
xpaham la abg ulya..hak3..
I like your idea, about our difference in percieving things and the difference in the norm of our society
I mean...why do we always have to do what the barat does?? we're different for godsake---different!!
they said this sex ed doesnt really want to teach how to do 'it', more of, what to expect, how diseases spread..so its more like a health & civics's class
I just think they need to rename it, and just put it as compulsory in civic ed, islamic ed etc..
berapa bnyk lagi subjek nak tmbh kat budak2 sekolah ni?? sian diorg...dahlah ada almost 10 subjeks to cope, and then they'll have to worry if they can pass sex ed? haha
aku tertarik dengan gambar je.
tader gambar lagi islamik?
huk2..nway..dalam sme perkara ni..ada pro n con..jadi selidiki la sbaeknye..agar kat akhirat nnt xterjelepuk dalam lubang neraka..nauzubillah~
aku skip yg base omputih tuh,aku tros usha gambar...
ape pun,aku rse sex edu penting agar takde lahir pondan di bumi malaysia..haha
Ulya,cne ko igt isi2 debate ko 2,hafal pe..pergh..haha..
lets agree to disagree.
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