Wednesday, May 26, 2010

~way left out~

i logged on to blogger,
open my dash board,
clicked on

and boo hoo,
im still on my 4th post, while others are already done.
damn damn.

i guess, now i'll have to give supplements for my fingers so that they type faster

ps: i dont think im gonna finish my 10 topics of youth says in time.. -.-"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

~back to english~


as seen on the title of this post.
i plan to start to blog in english for the mean time


1.) coz i want to! (boo ho)
2.) my english is getting rusty
3.) im blogging for youthsays blog in english
4.) i just want to!!! hahahahahaha

so i guess its ok right ? i mean,
1 or 2 posts of english wouldnt hurt..
ya ya, i know, some of you say that,

"if you blog in english i wont read"

but just gimme a chance to practice what i should be practicing. ok?

in a matter of fact, we could together brush up our english right??
besides what is there to lose?

btw, check out this blog:

what is it about?

this is it's description:

"Imagine a snapshot in history. The lives of 50 Malaysian Youths: Their hopes, their dreams, their habits, their thoughts, and who they are - documented in a daily group blogging project over 2 weeks, assembling a collage of the identify of Malaysian

RM 26,000 will be shared amongst 50 Malaysians who are participating in this project. These Malaysians were chosen from all walks of life!"

cool gile en en en.. tau korg tengah angguk2.. haha nanti kalau berjaya misi, and i get the prize, i'll treat u out for dinner ogeh?

ps: yela yela, not all la in english. nanti gua tulis gak some in bm ogeh??

till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Monday, May 10, 2010

~si mulut manis~

cerita aku nie cerita tentang seorg yang sangat relaks,
berfikiran tenang,
bijak mengambil peluang,
dan bijak mencari jalan bagi mendapatkan ape yang dia nak.


dulu kecik2 orang slalu cakap yang aku nie budak baik
dengar cakap
tak melawan
dan point paling besar MULUT MANIS .

aku tau da ramai da tersengih2 jeles ngan aku en?

persoalannye skrang, mana aku belaja kecik2 da pandai susun kata nak pikat hati mak bapak smpai tokey mini market rahmat selalu bagi nano-nano free?

cite dye stat macam nie
aku ngan kakak aku umo tak jauh beza,
2 tahun je dye lebih tua.
so dulu zaman kecik aku memang banyak la pengalaman dengan dye

dulu awal bulan mesti mak pak aku pegi shopping barang2 dapur,
selalunya memang diorg pegi carrefour la..
aku kalau pegi situ,
seperti biase ar
usha bahagian coklat-coklat ,
bila mak aku sampai aku cakap,

"mak, nak!"


simple je dye jawap
aku tarik muka kejap, pastu ikut mak aku cari sabun mesin basuh,
smbil dok ikut mak aku tu
aku buat la muka kesian sikit
ala ala budak yang baru lepas kena marah kan,
bajet innocent looking la.

lalu kat bahagian koko krunch,
aku senyum ,

"mak, nak!"


senang jer en dye jawap.
sakit ati aku
dalam hati tak sabar nie nak amik mainan dalam kotak koko krunch tu.

"but maaa... koko crunch is finished!"

"ade lagi honey star tu..."

"ala... i dont like honey stars"


terdiam sambil ikut lagi tepi kain dye dok pegang hand bag,
aku tak akan berehat smpai la aku tak dapat ape yang aku nak
aku nak koko krunch gak!

sambil dok jalan tu aku pikirkan cara
macam mane aku nak dapatkan koko crunch tu!

pikir pnye pikir,
haaaa aku dapat idea!:D

"sis, where are you?"
aku cari cari kakak aku.

kakaku balas sambil belek belek patung barbie yang dye bawak tu.

"you know, they have this cool set of dinosaurs in koko krunch"


"please . i want it please please"

"why should i ?, i hate koko crunch"

"well erm, than i'll help u to get curly wurlies "
(its my sisters favourite chocolate)

"oh really? deal!"


aku senyum bangga
yes kakak aku da jadi umpan
gerenti dapat la!

soo kitorg pon pegi la dekat mak aku,

"mak , akak nak koko crunch boleyh?"

"la.. nie lagi sorg, kan ade honey stars tu.."

"erm, takde, akak da lama tak makan koko krunch teringin"
(ewah ewah, pandai en dye mengayat, kalau ade buku nota da lama da aku tulis tips)

"erm yerla. pegi la amik tu, tapi nanti you finish up your honey stars first"

"ok ma"

senang jer akak aku dapat.
memang aku tak puas ati la..

pastu aku pun cakap,
"maa , erm, nak curly wurly dua, satu kak nana, satu ulya boleyh?"

"kan da beli koko krunch , tadi kata nak koko krunch, satu satu da la"

"ala, tu kak nana pnye, ulya nak curly wurly plak"

"share la nanti...da da, tak payah ngade2 jom balik"

kakak aku da buat muka tak puas ati

"u better get me the curly wurly, or not i'll put back the koko krunch instead"

erk.. ugut sial!..
macam mane nie? aku nak koko krunch,
tapi kalau nak koko krunch , kena dapatkan curly wurly tuk kakak aku
nanti kalau tak, dosa tak tepati janji -.-"

aku waktu tu memang mental la wa ckap sama lu,
memang da desperate abes
tak tau nak buat ape da
da ketandusan idea.. haha

so ape aku buat?
aku ikut lumrah alam,
kalau mintak elok tak nak kerja sama kita bagi hardcore punye..

aku dengan muka masam
duduk depan rak coklat tu
hentak-hentak kaki.

"nak curly wurly, nak curly wurly, nak jugak, nak jugak, nak jugak ,
nak nak nak nak nak nak nak!!!!!!!!"

mak aku pandang aku,
pastu jeling dengan mata nye yang paling tajam,

"buat prangai, jaga nanti mak cerita kat bapak"

memang nasib aku tak baik,
ayah aku da de da kat depan mak aku.

"awatnya?" tanye ayahku dengan mata merah menyala

"ni ha , anak u nie, buat prangai nie, dok mogok nak curly wurly nie, dari tadi tak abeh abeh, i da bagi koko krunch pon tak mau gak"

ayah aku pon piat telinga aku, bawak aku kluaq..
dari jauh aku nampak kakak aku buat "good good" kat aku.
memang panas la wa cakap sama lu..

bile balik tu , ha aku kena masyallah pnye sakit.
tak main da rotan rotan, hanger hanger,
main "curly wurly" tali pinggang dye jer.
sakit tak?
meh la kalau nak rasa aku bagi sedas kat korg, baru tau.

lepas lepas tu,
terus aku jdi fobia
tersemat didalam hati taknak buat perangai
taknak lawan cakap mak bapak
and sejak dari tu aku mula rangka plan jahat aku yang paling cemerlang
dan masih boleh digunakan lagi sampai hari ni muahahaha

lepas lepas tu
kalau aku nak coklat ke, mainan ke, koko crunch ke aku cakap

"bapak.. lain kali kalau bapak ade duit boleh tak ulya nak koko crunch tu?"

sweet kan ayat nie? [>.<]


ni la curly wurly yang menyebabkan aku kena rotan:

sungguhpun rasamu sedap, namun kesan dipunggungku lagi sedap.

memang pastu aku boycott terus benda alah nie haish..


ps: kalau anak korg guna alasan "bile ade duit" tu, aku mintak maap la, dye terbaca blog aku la kot hahahaha...

till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Sunday, May 9, 2010

~episode hidup the series #1~

tgk tajuk,
haha sngat selfish.

aku bukan pe da lama tak tulis dan update pasal diri,
dulu katenya nak buat blog nie pasal nak cerita kat org malaysia
perkembangan kat sini,
tapi tu la aku diam jer,
sebab bagi aku kat sini aku bermasalah sikit kot,
malas plak nak kongsi benda negatif ngan orang kan?

aku baru habis exam 2nd aku,
dan kena akui , aku memang tak gempak.
kengkadang aku pikir gak,
kau ni malas ulya ,
kalau cube kuat sikit bolehnye.

tapi aku ade gak pengalaman cbe gile vavi pnye kuat,
last last, macam tu gak result.
hampa seperti biase.

kalau nak pikir kan dari kecik dulu
takde la bodo mane aku nie,
upsr 5 a
pmr 8 a
spm plak?
(da mula drop dan korg tak perlu tahu brape a)
tapi cukup la nak dapat biasiswa tu,
but not as "cemerlang " as budak budak middle east lain la.

dulu masuk intec berkobar la,
bajet nak score, nak dapat deanlist tiap2 tahun,
bile datang sini aku terpaksa mengaku la
memula tu memang la aku pemalas sikit...


tapi da kena hantukan exam makeup ujung tahun,
balik lewat,
aku try la nak bangkit balik,
aku mula la blajar2
result naik sikit la tuk second sem
but still not up to my expectation la..
bukannya aku tak bersyukur,
bersyukur sesangat.
cme kalau boleh nak la lonjakkan biar tinggi melangit kan?

ntah la,
aku da cuak gak ngan final yang nak datang nie
nak study dari skarang,
tengok semua relaks jer lagi
tapi tula,
da sedar diri bodoh kena bangkit awal sikit gak la kan?

aku penah terpikir
nak sedapkan hati
aku cakap,
ala takpe ulya kau relaks dulu,
kau jangan down.
kau teruk 1st, 2nd year third year kau
bangun bagai team bola psl "pheonix bangkit" bawah naungan anuar saad haha..

tapi ntah la,
kita tgk jerla,
dengar cerita mara kalau fail 1st , 2nd year kena balik
harap mindef tak la..

tapi macam mane ek? ade jer org yang tak study hapa,
result gempak stock deanlist.
gile jeles, kecik2 makan ape weyh?

ps: ha. complaint tak paham bi, arap2 ni ko paham ar. haha

till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Friday, May 7, 2010

~what would u do?~

it was once a prosperous country,
full of happiness and peace
trees grow and flowers bloom,
the sun shined full of joy.

birds chirped of freedom ,
snow fell pure and white,
little boys little girls played happily in the meadows,
with smiles well drawn on their faces
happy and excited for a better tomorrow.
but now,

blood spills everywhere,
bullets are like an ordinary toy,
death is a certainty to all,
bombs and missiles explodes,
food and shelter is never enough,

the once sun shined sky is covered with ashes,
trees are left with nothing but withering leaves,
flowers no longer bloom colorful,
but painted with nothing but blood.

birds no longer chirped,
the wings of freedom taken from their lives.
the beautiful melody could not longer be heard,
only the devastating cries of pain

meadows are burnt down,
turning green to grey,
kids no longer play with smiles,
they run with fear,
terrified for their lives
fathers and mothers die,
children and elders killed,
the hopes of peace and serene tomorrow
remains as unfulfilled wishes,
the better tomorrow never came.

yes it was once a peaceful country
large and diverse,
beautiful and harmonious,
its a bloodshed
a bloodbath genocide
their rights were taken,
their lives were ruined.
the large nation is nothing more but a piece of junk land.

close your eyes and imagine,
how traumatic their condition is
would you be able to save them?
or even give a mere helping hand?
the answer lays in you.
open your heart and listen to the voices inside.
its our obligation, its our call to help



for the Malaysians, show your kindness by joining this campaign


For the jordanians heres our call

remember, this is the least we can do, since we are incapable of fighting with weapons
and sacrifice our life for our brothers and sisters..


ps: bkn nie je program tuk tolong mereka, ade juga viva palestina. check it out.:)

till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Thursday, May 6, 2010

~baru sangat ke phenomena nie?~

gua tgk rata rata cakap pasal form spring,
macam la form spring to
"the new thang"

org da lama da la ade haha.. tapi takpe la,
sebab nak ikut perkembangan org lain en aku pon terpaksa la bagi korg link,
kalau tak aku guna formspring tuk tanye soalan kat org jer. haha
skarang nie masa tuk aku plak jawab nah amik:

ps: class pukul 10.15 bangun kul 1 trimakasih bebanyak, sorry "budak dentist". haha
till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

~i dont understand me either~

ive been having these complaints,
and these complaints are really really true if you have met me and understand my habits,
its just a side of me that i'm not that proud of,
"well most of it",
at some complaints i just say,
"shut up, at least those habits brought me forward!"

complaint #1
"suara kau cam perempuan doh first time aku dengar kat phone"
"aku ingatkan ulya ni dulu pondan., kalau tak jmpe memang tak tau"

memang celaka!

they say that my voice on the phone is so soft as if im a transexual or even a lady in total...
i was like, "what?" soo not true, well ,when i purposely recorded my conversation with a friend on the phone and guess what?

i thought i was listening to lady gaga on the phone. a slightly harsh yet really soft melody. -.-".

i dont actually know what to do.. i mean seriously, if its the first time you ever talk to me on the phone, you are sure to be surprised. haha. and the worst thing is, i also use v v weird call names,
i mean , if you see me i would say "kau aku" but on the phone i use "kamu, awak, saya and kita"

my gosh. totally gay. now i understand wat u guys meant.-.-"
i guess i'll just have to swallow in some "chili api" ( which is very hard to find here), to make my voice deeper dont u think??

"kau kalau aku cakap wat donno jer en!"
"weyh ko dengar tak? sampai hati bwat bodo jer"

well, it seems to be that i lack of focus when someone is talking to me, and its as if i dont give a damn about wat their babbling bout. the best thing is, when ever they ask me something, i stay stumped. for about 30 seconds then i'll ask.. wat did u say?

well in defence, let me tell u, im the type of guy which focuses on one thing and never listens to other outside factors. it means when im typing or reading, its not that i didnt hear you, but i dont want to hear you, because i want to focus, or im getting carried away with the particular thing im doing.. seems fair right? so dont feel bad when im like ignoring you....

(even in this instant im ignoring wat chalok is saying to me) -.-"

complaint #3
"kau memang tak ley brenti cakap ek?"
"gile banyak mulut kau!

duh!! -.-"

yup, well said. they say, i talk to much..
which is something i cant deny and i cant defend. so wat the hell. i dont mind. haha but i will try to talk lesser.

but at times my "too much" speaking habits do come in handy right?i mean, whenever u guys need an emergency mc, or an emergency debater, i would always say yes without hesitating. haha so u cant really say that its a bad habit?


well who cares wat my habits are, as long as i dont hurt anyone, or go against my religion, i guess its alright..

i just realised this post is totally selfish and about me and only me.

i dont know why, but i just remembered some complaints i heard and i guess i just wanted to share. haha

ps: da lama tak blogging in english dan da lama tak guna emoticon comel
haha.. sangat kuit kan macam anak patung baby.. :)

till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN