Tuesday, December 22, 2009

~ saya anak malaysia~

kawan arabku: i dont really know where malaysia is to be frank haha.
aku: u dont? erm.. well do you know where thailand is?
kawan arabku: thailand ?? nah...
aku: well what about indonesia?
kawan arabku: dont know either.
aku: screw you. haha. how cant you know where malaysia is, its like one of the most developed, developing countries ok
kawan arabku: ya its true but it aint that popular .. but i know where singapore is though.



aduh... ko tak tau kat mane malaysia?
oh singapore yang buangan malaysia tu ko tau plak en.
aku pelangkung kepala sekor2 kang....

agak2 ar en, negara yang serba cantik, serba moden, pelbagai budaya tu hampa tak tau? mana buleeeh, ini tak buleyh jadi nie. ( ala2 fathi bercakap)

ye benar. hakikatnye memang ramai lagi foreigners yang tak tau pasal malaysia. even some thought that malaysians still live on trees and cook in bamboo.
well NO.. we have these big 5 story bukit jelutong bungalows, skyscrapping condos and we also use the stove and microwaves ok..

we are not THAT pathetic!
but what could i say, people say what they believe and they believe what they see, and if they have never seen what malaysia is ,so what is there to believe in and what is nice to say about right?

but takkan kite nak biar diorg pandang sebelah mate jer kat kite en,
there was this one story told by an officer in jordan.
it was his first visit here and he was actually toured around jordan itself,
so after bringging him to the historical and tourism places here, they than brought him to jordan's biggest mall, the city mall .
when they were wondering around in the mall, they came across the escalator.
so the arabian guy said, do you know what this is? and before the officer could answer he said, this is an escalator or moving stairs. it is amongst the earlist in the world.
oooh peleeeasssseeeeee, billion supermarket yang cikai kat lumut tu pon ade la weyh..

stereotypes are actually seeded in the minds of these narrow minded
people, to them when you say the word MALAYSIA, a picture of the rainforest just pops in sight and they imagine that young lads would be running around with their tarzan like underwears where the ladies just wearing weaved clothes from the tree vines and the children playing with worms while their father build houses on strong hallow trees??

adoyai.. stereotype la cik org oversea ooii..
malaysia is more than anyone can imagine, malaysia is diversed,
malaysia is truely the essence of asia.
so thats why i think that events like malaysia day is a perfectly practical way to introduce malaysia to the eyes of the world.
actually malaysia is well known already especially amongst the G8 developed nations , but it just seems that these developing nations are the ones that do not have the same exposure about what malaysia is all about.

so during the malaysian day 2009, the students of jordan were given a task to potray to the whole world regarding the diversity of culture and the wonderful tourism destination in malaysia.
it kicked of with a fantastic dikir barat performance by the east coast region. followed up with some nasyid , malaysian wedding culture and silat so on so on so on and so on. secara konklusinya banyak ar aktiviti dalam dewan yang diorg pamerkan haha. yang paling best video promo malaysia. arab bukan main lagi tepuk tangan tengok video nie. terpegun diorg tgk malaysia sampai meleleh ayaq lioq bangun tepuk tangan.
walau pape pon aku tetibe jer rase bangga aku dak malaysia.. haha tetibe cam nyesal lak study oversea. malaysia punya la cantik tapi smpai sini baru nak hargai. dulu kat malaysia tgk iklan cuti2 malaysia wat bodo jer siap tukar channel.

kat sini aku nak kongsi sikit la satu video yang aku rase bangga sangat jadi rakyat malaysia nie haha

sooo to those yang rase tak best dok malaysia.
p/s: tadi aku sempat joget ngan komeng depan arab. haha bapak bestnye .. aku gak sempat mengamuk sebab ade satu makhluk tuhan tu yang gedik gile taknak wat keje. dah org assign tu buat jerla.. takley buat cakap awal2.
till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Monday, December 21, 2009

~pabila bahasa dipertikai~


right, i'll be frank with all of you today.. i have been receiving these comments from some friends of mine .they have been telling me that i am not actually that good with words in malay.

is it?

i didnt notice that haha.. soo most of them just told me to start to blog in english again.
ive been thinking too.. should i just go on with malay or just start blogging in english?
so, then again my blog is for my readers,
if they say that its better for me to blog in english why should i carry on with malay right?

dont get me wrong, its not that i cant speak malay or blog in malay , i could but perhaps, im just a little bit better finding my way with english. so no wrong perceptions ok. haha
so now i would just like to ask you guys should it be in :



cast your votes now.. hahaha.. (bajet ala ala malaysian idol gitu) hahaha

p/s : lacking of ideas and incidents to post on my
blog, explains my utter silence for quite some time. oh well, lifes like that... its not that everyday is a special day ait?

till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Thursday, December 17, 2009

~pabila ciput pakai stoking besar~

cerita ini berkisah disatu malam sewaktu ramadhan ketika itu aku baru jer balik dari solat tarawikh kat masjid shah alam. aku ngan herman kuar mencari kereta yang aku parking tadi kitorg cari punya cari tengok2 takde kat tmpt parking tu. aku pelik. ait? asal takde lak nie? aku rase aku park kat sini.. pas 3 minit camtu ar, tetibe jer keta aku muncul dari simpang yang tak jauh dari tempat aku ngan herman berdiri. punya la laju dye pergi pastu betol2 buat emergency break depan kitorg.

aku rase nak pecah jer kepala malaun yang drive tu
tgk2 rupe2nye
si mamat bernama KETAM tuh.

"haha cilanat da ar kuar awal, pastu main keta aku. nahas
ko bile ko kuar dari keta tu nanti"
kata hati kecilku.
tapi yer ar . kawan en, biarla dye asal dye bahagia.
nanti masing2 da kat mesir da kat jordan da takley
nak mlawak2 da.
masuk keta jer masing2 berebut cari air tembikai susu ngan yong tau fu yang dibeli
kat bazaar ramadhan depan intec tuh. fulamak wa cakap sama lu, rase die... memang mantop ar.
aku bawak keta so diorg ar suapkan aku sambil aku drive.
(taik ar suap. aku dapat 4 cucuk jer kot * aku kire nie*. )
(yang lain tu. hmph.. hampeh diorg telan macam org tak cukup makan.)

Kitorg pon sambung ar sembang benda2 ngarut sepanjang perjalanan, sambil aku bawak keta pusing sana pusing sini menikmati keindahan bandar shah alam sebelum fly bersama kawan2 yang taklama lagi bakal berpisah. haha

pas puas round round cam org tak tentu hala tu. kitorg pon decide nak balik.
sampai jer kat intec tu. ternampak keta ustazah. aku pon park ar blakang keta ustazah.
aku nampak ade naz ngan izzah cam kecoh2 jer en.
walaupun diorg memang sentiasa
kecoh tapi kecoh malam tu pelik sikit.

ketam dengan buat muke poyo dye kuar tanye..
"weh asal weh? ape masalahnye?"

"nie haa.. si ciput nie haa.. jatuh tangga.. teruk nie. da pegi da kat klinik dye suruh rujuk hospital"
jawap si naz dengan nada manjanya

"ait? ciput jatuh tangga? haha bapak ar. mesti best en kalo dapat tgk.
memang aku gelakkan la si makcik sekor tu. hahahaha.. tapi nak wat camne takde rezeki en"
kata hatiku lagi sambil tersengih sorg2 cube untuk taknak gelak

selepas dipelawa kitorg pon bersetuju untuk ikut. ustazah bersama konco2 nye kat dalam keta dye and aku bersama bodyguard aku dalam keta aku. kat depan sikit ustazah
amik sorg lagi anak buah dye si ali naik keta sebab ali org klang so dye biase ngan jalan nak gi hospital klang.
on the way to memang bawak keta laju gile ar. siap lumba ngan ustazah tu. 160 km/h jer aku pegi tak la laju sangat tapi boley ar.. :p

aku nye keta sampai ketam mengucap dah. mana taknye da nak kena himpit ngan lorry, ngan hon takdenye. haha nak wat camne . nasib ko ar tam ngan herman sapa suruh ikut aku
soo aku ngan ustazah memang pecut gile2
macam la aku nye assistant class rep tu da nak mati
haha. sampai kat hospital jer. kitorg drop ciput kat emergency lane, pastu terus cari parking

maka mulalah sesi yang aku paling tak suke.
lame gile kot tunggu . ntah apa ntah doktor lepasan jpa tu blajar dulu sampai lambat sangat.
nie mesti bukan lepasan timur tengah nie kalo lepasan jordan or mesir gerenti effective gile
( kolek balik nie weyh)
aku pun tak ingat ar bape lama tah kitorg tunggu tapi memang lama la. esok ngan exam bio nye adoyai. exam final intec tu beb. tapi takpe la aku tak kesah la en. member nye pasal. haha

tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu .
dengan melayan hambar ali n ketam, jiwang herman,
sambil melihat qus , naz ngan izzah bace nota bio tak share.
aku da mantel da. haha. asal la polik sangat prangai member aku nie.
takpe la en, biarla diorg en en.

tetibe jer si ciput di tolak kuar dalam wheel chair.
waktu tu aku da senyum evil kosai da.
da dapat point da. maka terkeluarlah ayat pertama dari mulut kami dak dak laki
"ciput.. cantik stokin. keh3...."

punya la besar diorg balut kaki dye wa cakap sama lu.
aku tgk kaki dye cam org kena elephantitis da pon. aku memang nak tergelak
tapi kesian lak. muka cam baru pas nangis jer. aku pendamkan niat aku. hahaha.

rupa-rupanya malam tu si ciput kena tahan kat wad. takley balik intec lagi.
takpela nak wat camne. kitorg da lakukan yang terbaeeeek, so tawakal jerla. aku tau malam tu dye mesti nangis sorg2 ar takde org tido ngan dye. hahaha.

so kitorg pon head balik.. waktu tu da kul 3.30 kot kalo tak silap,
and we decided to drop for sahur first. si ali pon bawak la kitorg round klang cari tempat makan
nampak jer satu kedai mamak baik punya. depan kedai mamak tu plak ade MCD LAGI BAEK PUNYA. maka kitorg pon buat la plan. parking jer keta depan kedai mamak tu. yang dak laki semua kuar keta. bersandar sambil melihat kearah MCD. haha. ustazah pon ajak la makan
kat MCD. dye yang ajak ok. kitorg tak ajak. kitorg tgk jer.. ;p

maka malam tu kitorg makan la MCD dengan rasa bersalah kat kawan2
yang kat bilik yang tak sempat rase MCD malam tu. haha. memang sedap ar makan
tapi lagi sedap ar kalo korg ade. :P... tapi sebab taknak kantoi punya pasal
kitorg pon buat2 tak makan sahur lagi. haha. kitorg pon bangun la makan sahur ngan korg. bile da sampai intec tu. ( aku jujur abes nie) :P.

waktu sampai kat intec tu aku tgk jam da kul 5.30 pagi da.
shmuks, exam kul 8.00 pagi . study tak lagi, memang tak fly la aku.
maka aku ngan pasrah nye biarkan la . biarla kalo aku tak fly aku suruh la si ciput tu bayar aku gi jordan privately. hehehe. tapi alhamdulillah la bley buat la exam tu walaupun tak baca buku, rezeki kot. lagi lagi dengan bantuan sir ishak yang sangat baik hati bila lalu jer dapat satu jawapan memang sure la bley buat. da sampai jordan da pon..da tak kesah da..

yang paling penting. ni adalah gambar yang aku rahsiakan,. aku kunci dalam kotak besi so that takde sape bley tgk. tapi arini aku nak tunjuk gambar sewaktu kejadian.

jeng jeng jeng.. haha

nie gambar ciput menangis yer kawan2. bukan senang nak tgk dye nangis. haha

ni plak gambar 3 ekor makcik penyibuk yang terpegun tengok kaki gajah si ciput.

nie plak si mangsa keadaan herman roy yang tertidur atas kerusi exactly pas sampai bilik

hahaha.. motive karangan aku kali nie.. takde pape pon. saja teringat pastu saja la nak bagi makcik yang tgh tak ok tu ok sikit.
tetibe ade la sorg makcik tu tgh bersedih en, org teringat plak en kisah lawak member2. haha.. kalo org ngah sedih aku ingat benda2 best mcm nie jer. mesti at least aku tersenyum la..

p/s : ku menunggu pudding karamel ku ok.. dont forget.
u know hu u are.. hahaha
till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Monday, December 14, 2009

~teringat sejenak~

abaikan caption diatas [-_-']

yeah exam bio da abes
bley ar aku nak relak sikit kalo tak mau nye cuak nak mampos
next up chemistry.

biarar taknak poningkan kepala lagi buat sementara waktu
so ape yang aku buat?
aku balik je, macam biase la.. terus online.

aku pon browse la around pictures mukabuku fb of old frens from BIS (bandung international school) tengah dok relak relak usha, mengimbau awek kisah lama . tetibe fb chat box terpop up. ak tgk nama dari nico nissl.. waaah.. aku sronok gile ar dye nie member baik dulu nie haha baik abes ar. haha

so kami pon berbicara:

yang kuning itu nico
yang biru itu aku
yang purple itu hatiku
dude! hows life? where are you? hey..... me? its about just ok. haha. not that bad. im in jordan currently.
jordan? where is that? ur parents moved again?
haha its somewhere in the middle east
( dalam ati, bengang jer ,adeke patut tak kenal jordan)
nope, my parents didnt move i came here to study in one of the universities.
oh haha.. cool.. hows mr and mrs h?
( mr and mrs h tu parents aku, h is for husamudin, cara matsalleh cakap yang amat pelik)
their great i guess, hope so. didnt really see them just managed to catch a couple of i'ms. wat about mr and mrs nissl? are they still in indonesia?
haha.. great to hear that, my parents are no longer in indonesia, their in shang hai
shang hai? o0o0 ur there to mate?
nope. im in college duh!! haha.
oh haha. so which college are you enrolled to.
well i didnt really do that well, but i did manage to hitch myself in cornell.

dan kami pun mula merapu pasal keadaan masing2.

soo pas aku abes chat ngan dye pon aku happy la.
gile ar cornell kot member aku sekor nie.
then tup tup ak nampak lagi kawn aku on9. waah natalia ngan gabby online kot
diorg nie adalah antara member pompan aku yang sangat hot lagi sexy sporting.
aku pon tegur la diorg.. pergh rupa-rupanya sorg kat princeton sorg kat yale..

aku tergamam
asal semua dak BIS nie pegi ivy league nie, dulu bengong2 jer semua.. hebat ar member2 aku skarang, gile jeles. ivy league tu bukan senang. dalam ati aku memang ar ade rase jeles sikit la.. bkn sikit, BANYAK. haha.. seriously betapa seronoknye la aku kalau dapat ke ivy league. pergh.

oh university ivy league ku hanya mampu mimpikan mu. haha

tapi takpe takpe. ikut jer jalan yang tertulis untuk aku. nak wat camne takde rezeki
sebelah sana. haha. aku pun tgk la gambar2 diorg. maka aku tgk dalam satu album yang bertajuk

"oldies :~"

waah gambar aku pun ade la weyh..
tgh asyik aku tgk gambar - gambar tu,
tetibe screen laptop toshiba machine basuh aku nie macam jadi besar
tetibe jer aku nampak gambar tu gerak
tetibe jer aku dengar kawan aku cakap2 gelak2 sembang2.
tetibe jer aku kembali ke zaman silam aku
sewaktu umur ku masih mentah sementah mentahnye.

ku biarkan diriku dibuai ingatan silam yang indah dan penuh dengan warna warni kehidupan.
nak cite ngan korg? haha nanti la aku cite. malas la nak tulis semua skarang panjang sangat. lagipun sadis tulis pasal mimpi dye jadi kecik en, nanti kata aku curi idea lak.
( sadis serious kacau lin aku baru nak post. tgk2 dye da cite , pasal mimpi kenot dye tu)
biarla asal dye bahagia. haha

tapi da terlajak en, aku pun nak la kongsi sikit gmbar2 aku waktu kat international school dulu
waktu nie serious aku tembam gile.. tapi putih ok. hahahha

gambar nie waktu halloween kalo tak silap. kah3. first halloween noob abes ar

nie plak gambar waktu international day. yang sebelah aku tu la nico nissl dari austria .

haa yang nie plak waktu bday natalia dari peru ( yg tgh tutup mulut tu)
kelihatan juga gabriela aka gaby dari sepanyol ( yang muke evil tuh)
nico juga kat blakang gaby dan aku di blakang natalia.

waa memang aku merindui rakan2 international school ku.
bukan senang kot nak berkwan awal2 tuh.. sebab masing2 dari negara berbeza
tapi last last best gak ar en bile da berkawan tu, masing2 plak banyak cakap memang masyuk abes ar hahaha.

cbe tgk balik post aku nie. ngarut gak en.. saje jerla.. takde benda nak bwat sambil2 relak beron9 tu aku pon tulis la blog aku haha . so agak merepek ar.. :P

*ps: ni la antara sebab kenapa aku cakap english polik sikit tu, ( yang kawan2 aku asik kutuk tu)


till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Saturday, December 12, 2009

~exam kot~








Haaaaaaaa.. begitulah jawap otak
kecil ku ketika ku tanyekan tajuk2 exam yang nak masuk exam arab nie.. hati aku plak kate

"tula, org suruh pergi class,asik
tuang terlepas"
"cube la revise sikit"
"ko nie teruk doh ulya, last minute baru nak revise balik"

maka. aku pun berkata. aduh.. betol ar cakap hati aku, cakap otak aku,
ape yang aku tau dikala exam bakal mengunjung nie?

nothing kot..

haha okla hyperoblic ar kot nothing en.. ade la sikit2 tapi still kena study ar.

soo malam nie kite akan ade bersama lecturer kite


bagi mata pelajaran biology

tadi dah harungi exam arab bersama-sama rakan2 seperjuangan yang lain
ok ke?

ok la.. boley la.. tak la teruk sangat. boleyh la.. hahaha.
tapi tanpa bantuan rakan2 ku,



takkan kami mampu mengharungi arab yang sangat mencabar tu adoyai.haha
takpela. nak totop jap, nak gi study bio dulu
sebab esok ade bio

so kami sebenarnya tgh ade hibernating mode nak study dulu
soo pasnie aku maybe jarang2 sikit nak post sebab tgh nak study. hehe

nota sampingan: malaun op yang aku target ngan blog aku tu da terase tapi da mula mengcover malu. biarla dye biar biar. haha.

till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Thursday, December 10, 2009

~ khas bagi dak rmc ku ~



ok ar.. takpe takpe.. ape kate nie plak

ataupun ini?


da sampai da msg yang aku cbe sampaikan?

kenapa dulu kite begitu? dan kenapa kini ade yang masih meneruskannya?

tak cooperate?


kenapa ade yang bagaikan minyimpan dendam kepada pihak yang korg sendiri sakitkan.
yang patutnya mereka yang menyimpan dendam dengan korg?

wah, sedap nye cerita...

ulya tu dulu..

aku slalu hell dye.
dye takkan jadi pape kalo aku tak lead dye dulu.
dye tak kan perform kalo aku tak lanyak dye.

waaah.. best kan bercerita?
padahal pegang aku pon tak penah dulu. boley plak en cite cam tu..
nape ade yang ok jer?

salah ape kitorg kat korg?
ape yang korg tak puas ati sangat?
bukan la semua ok.. tapi sesetengah.
aku rase


aku sendiri ade rakan yang sangat aku sayang dari golongan korg.
tapi aku belajar untuk kenal ngan dye dulu
baru aku kenal diri masing2. kalo masing2 tak kenal. mengapa perlu berkata2?

satu masa nanti kita akan saling memerlukan satu sama lain, saling bergantungan
dan perkara itu sudah pon berlaku di masa ini.

selalunya org yang berbicara lebih ini, adalah org yang tak pernah mengalami sebarang tali persahabatan dgn golongan lagi satu. walhal, tiada lagi dinding diantara kita selain titi perkenalan dan jambatan ukhwah yang perlu di naik tarafkan.

masing2 ade kelebihan sendiri. masing2 ade kekuatan sendiri. jangan la pandang rendah terhadap golongan satu lagi. jangan la kita jauhkan dan renggangkan persahabatan yang sepatutnya ade dan janganlah kita cuba menilai seseorang itu berdasarkan rupanya.

aku sendiri mengaku, yang aku juga ade dendam di dalam dadaku,
namun aku pendamkan, aku biarkan ia berlalu dengan masa. aku lihat pada keadaan sekarang,
aku lihat pada masa hadapan. aku lihat pada kebaikan semua org.

aku mengenali sesetengah golongan itu, malah aku sayang mereka sebagaimana aku
sayang golongan ku. tapi mengapa perlu mereka yang belum mengenali golongan ku, menjauhkan diri dari golonganku? menyimpan perasaan menyampah? atau
perassan "aku lagi hebat" ? atau "mereka itu sampah"?

jangan lah. satu hari nanti. kita pasti berjumpa. dan biarla perjumpaan kita itu, dengan senyum dan tawa mesra atau pelukan keakraban tiada nilainya. jangan la jadikan
pertemuakan kita satu hari nanti, pertemuan penuh cemuhan dan kutukan. serta tiada ukhwah yang boleh ditonjolkan.

once a PUTERA always a PUTERA.
no matter who we are, no matter what we do, no matter where we go.
we are under one name PUTERAS.

remember my comrades, the ring that is placed on our finger,
strengthens the bond between each other. if it is to hard to look at one's face, just think of the ring given to us as a memoir of our hardship in life during those days back at the
royal military college.


aku tetap bersyukur walaubagaimanapun, ada yang masih matang dalam memikirkan perkara ini.
aku mengharapkan satu hari nanti ini,

dan ini,

dapat jadi seperti kami disini,

salahkah kami berkawan?


till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

~Jordan's first view~

on 5th december 2009, my batch here in Jordan decided to go on a
trip around this so called "land of prophets", jordan. we gathered around as early as 7.30 am
so that we wouldnt be wasting our time. it was a totally cold morning, the fog was everywhere and vapour went out as we spoke. after making sure that everyone was
there, the bus tyre started rolling.....

we started our journey heading to the dead sea first. it was a long tiring journey for it is situated kind of far from irbid. but we didnt really mind and we didnt really feel the tiredness for everyone was entertained by each other's jokes, stories and many more, the long journey had certainly closen the bonds of each and everyone of us.



around 11 am we arrived at the dead sea. from a distance it already looked so beautiful,
back in malaysia i used to live by the sea so , i really know how to judge
whether a beach is really nice or not and trust me, the dead sea... FABULOSO..

before we took a dip in the sea, we gathered around to just listen and talk about the history of the dead sea. it was the story of the prophet lut or (lot in english) it is also known as the story of the tower of babel and sodomy by the christians. it was the story of prophet's lot's people whom had denied ALLAH and practiced unethical relationships of homosexuality. god was furious and had overturned the land of their staying, thus turning it upside down. it was nothing then a flat land . after that only water got caught up in the turned down land and the dead sea was created.
so we were reminded"enjoy yourself but dont enjoy too much for this is the cursed land by ALLAH"

after the small talk, we were released to take a dip. everyone raced to the sea shore and started to dive heads first in the azure water, well not everyone, me! hahaha.
i dived with a hope of beautiful underwater scenery, being a swimmer there is nothing like a beatiful underwater world where you can just mesmerize your eyes.
well atleast i hoped so.. NOO!!! it was not a pleasuring, mesmerizing experience at all. it was a burning pain of sensation.. i looked around for fresh water to wash my eyes.
man, was the
water so concentrated that it seemed impossible to ever open your eyes in the water.
so let it be, the dead sea is only meant for floating and skin treatment..hahaha
it was great though. you didnt even have to really try to float. just lay back and fuala! there you are floating like sail boat. it was great, we had a small rugby match, we had some mud bath and the what we do best is, we had "JUMPING"PHOTOS (inspired by luqman terkacak)

p/s : i guessed i missed this signboard, attention num1 do not dive !!!

PART 2 : MOUNT NEBOMount Nebo was like 20 km from the dead sea. it is a place where prophet musa or moses used to go and have a rest after his long journeys. it is also amongst the earliest place for the civilisation of islam and christian. we didnt really spend time there since we
were out of time to go to the cave of seven sleepers. we just got to know the brief story of mount nebo and looked at it in the distance scenery. we didnt even stop. haha. perhaps next time we will organize another trip to make it up for this one. :)

everyone was so excited to go to ashabul kahfi, we have heard a lot about it.
what is the story of ashabul kahfi? well this is how it goes:

"it is a story of a group of lads who were in that time living under the throne of a very evil and unfair king. they decided to runaway and withdraw from their houses for being fear of being killed just because they were muslims. so they found a cave to settle down, a dog was following them, they tried to hush it away, but, the dog just seemed to be guarding them. the dog was called QITMIR. so they slept in the cave for the night. as they woke up, they went to the nearest town to buy some food. when they handed in their money they just realised that their money is no longer usable, for it was the currency for hundreds of years back. they did not realise that they were put to sleep by ALLAH so that they could survive the years without having to face the cruel king's throne. so they were awaken after 309 years and during that time, the cruel king was replaced by a very, pios and fair king."

interesting ait? haha. yeah, this story was fortold in the holy QURAN too. so the story must be
real. we went there and looked at the magnificent artifacts and infrastructure of the cave and its surroundings. i felt really grateful being blessed a chance to go here and just see with my own eyes the truth of islam and the QURAN.. ALLAHUAKHBAR.

till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

Thursday, December 3, 2009

~beraidil adha.~

salam kepada semua pembaca

da agak lama aku tak melayan blog kesayangan ku ini haha
agak ramai org tanye aku,

ulya camne raye?
best tak raya kat jordan?
korang korban bape ekor?
masak ape raya korban?

soo arini aku amik keputusan nak update pasal cerekarama ku sepanjang aidil adha yang mulia nie.. ok.. zzaaaasssss




memula skali aku jadi ajk bagi aidil adha 1430
sebagai ketua biro persiapan dan teknikal
memang agak mencabar la jadi ahli pengurusan programme nie,
bukan setakat dye punya perlaksanaan tu, tapi juga kena blajar pasal hukum2 fekah and
pengurusan dari segi ajaran islam. misalnya syarat2 sah korban,
atau pihak2 yang berhak bagi menjadikan korban tersebut satu ibadah sah, kalo salah naya tak dapat pahala korban dapat pahala sedekah la je jawapannye.

tapi pape pon aku berjaya atasi gak masalah nie. hehe. dengan bantuan dari biro2 lain, abang amin, mursyid, syamil, osamah, abg ikhwan, naim and kak ayman yang banyak
bagi bantuan. kengkawan lain pon ade gak bagi bantuan, syukran jazilan la ana ucapkan..

pas da siap urus ape semua maka, pada 27.11.09, tibe la binatang2 korban tu kat
tanah lapahan yang aku and rakan2 da sediakan.. haha.. waaa ape lagi melapah la keje kami..
aku specialist bahagian kepala ngan kuku soo semua kepala , lidah ke, otak ke. mata ke, pipi ke, aku la pecah amik.. keh3.. ramai org cam geli jer dngar bahagian2 exotic nie, tapi bile dyorg makan eeeem.. baru tau penangannye.. keh3..

secara keseluruhan dak dak malaysia korban 4 lembu 13 kambing and 1 unta, tapi kitorg bagi 1 lembu and 5 kambing kat fakir miskin ngan student malaysia kat mafraq ( juga satu daerah kat jordan).. memang best ar, sama2 lapah, buat keje, ketuk kepala la, korek lubang. rase sangat puas walaupun penat. memang aidil adha nie juga mengajar kite erti
bekerja sama di samping memupuk ukhwah di kalangan masyarakat permai..

on the 29.11.09 the formal occasion was held plak at dewan khindi yarmouk, my batch
in collaboration with the 2nd years put up a very cool sketch related to the regular human behaviour and indirectly instilling the moral values in the hearts and souls of the audiences,
the act went really well, i was awed and amazed at the same time, mabruk alaik, to everyone involved in the act. i enjoyed it very much.
after the event , everyone was like "loqo" haha semua jadi gile gile
( pasal makan unta banyak kot) hahaha. we had an enjoyable time that night.
everyone was dressed smartly and everyone had a smile drawn on their faces. hehe.

thanx to all my friends for the wonderful moments that we had that night.

these are a couple of snapshots throughout aidil adha in jordan:

caption? takpayah la.. korg pk la nak wat caption sendiri haha

any how for further info kalau kalau nak tau pasal eid in jordan lebih mendalam.
baca la blog blog kawan2 ku yang sangat mantap ini keh3:


till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN